My name is Sara Corsi, a.k.a. cursaria, a freelance traditional and digital artist based in Florence.
I graduated at LABA, obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design & Multimedia, consequently, I attended the ABABO academy in Bologna for a Master Degree in Editorial Illustration, I finished my studies in 2022.
I graduated at LABA, obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design & Multimedia, consequently, I attended the ABABO academy in Bologna for a Master Degree in Editorial Illustration, I finished my studies in 2022.
I am currently working as a co-teacher for the graphic design course at LABA (Florence), and also teaching Indesign basics at IED (Florence).
I keep working as freelance as well, as an illustrator for the medical magazine "Cancerworld", creating both covers and images inside the magazine. I work(/ed) for the SOS Children's Villages and War Child Holland companies, specifically holding the role of illustrator to re-new an international project called "ReachNow" Tool. We're gradually expanding it through the years, since we started in 2022.
I have been involved with other companies and graphic studios, publishing projects, but in particular with War Child we're building a fertile collaboration over time, co-operating on multiple design projects across graphic and illustration.
P.IVA: 07256080487
_Solo exhibitions:
2020: “Frammenti” - Artisti per un giorno (SMS Serpiolle, Firenze, IT)
2022: Pub Lo Stregatto - (Firenze, IT)
2023: "Gallery - art on the bus" - At (Firenze, IT)
_Collective Exhibitions
2019: “Vernissage" KonFusione - Firenze / Duo exhibition with Nino Ferrante - Artisti per un giorno (SMS Serpiolle, Firenze) / “Artefici del nostro tempo”- Centro Culturale Candiani (Venezia) / MID - Fabbricato Viaggiatori - Stazione SMN (Firenze)
2020: Bob Marley, Stand up for Jamaica - SAMpling Moods (Milano)/ Orvieto Cinema Fest Finalists - Teatro Mancinelli (Orvieto)
2021: LABA “leopereeigiorni”- Istituto degli Innocenti (Firenze)
2022: “What a Feeling!” LeVanvere - Ludicomix (Empoli) / "Openart" - Circolo Enrico Rigacci (Firenze) / Innesco "Reagire al presente" - Ex Leopoldine (Firenze)
2023: Digital art contest "Non uccidere Mercuzio" - Metagraphika, Galleria dei Nani (Valdagno, VI)
2024: UNSPEAKABLE - Book Launch & Exhibition (New House Gallery & Art Space, Guildford, UK)
Cancerworld Magazine / Sigaretten - "I Diari della Pandemia" Vol. 2 / TINALS - Cassette "Destri - Gazzelle" / Lungarno - April 2023, n.116 / BRUT Magazine - "UNSPEAKABLE"/ Barada & Nikto - RAID PRESS
_Contests FINALIST
2019_Comune Di Venezia, “Artefici del nostro Tempo” / 2019_LABA Firenze, “Waves” / 2020_Call Orvieto Cinema Fest / 2020-2022_Le Vanvere, “What a Feeling!” + “What a sketchbook!” / 2023_Taldeg, “Hər Fest”(special mention)
_FEATURED ON: Frab's Magazine
Thank you!
©2024 All images and logos are property of Sara Corsi aka cursaria.
All the works by Sara Corsi / cursaria and all the informations in this website must be considered opted out for the creation of training datasets for AI systems and for any other machine learning process.
All the works by Sara Corsi / cursaria and all the informations in this website must be considered opted out for the creation of training datasets for AI systems and for any other machine learning process.
All rights reserved.