There was a hut, really small, and inside there was "an angel who with that wing's movement created that atmosphere in the environment that is necessary for angels to live, to continue living among us."

I had a dream four years ago. What I read stuck with me. I saw wings on my shoulders pointing heaven and earth, from the feathers to the soles of my feet I felt everything that existed beyond me. I'm understanding this dream just now as I tell what were the surroundings or the rest. It's clear for me only by taking a step back through the fragments, as Michelucci writes: "Let's take a leap into the past."

"Pausania affirms that the name of 'city' can be given to a group of buildings that doesn't have administrative buildings, neither gymnasium, nor theater, nor public square, nor fountains fed by running water. Thus the definition of the city, according to Pausania, precedes the construction of public buildings and resides in the social relationship that people or groups are able to establish among themselves. Our body at the foundations of the city, knocking on its doors means calling ourselves, in multitude. I must have dreamed about a city of people. "

They should be people, but yet there is the matter about the angels. What on earth did angel mean? "Wonder." The book clarifies to me slowly, "an angel lives, that space is enough for the angel ...". So "... there is a question. Why is space never enough for humans? Before the individual-us space exists by itself and the space we have doesn't satisfy us. But in the dream even large wings didn't seem too much of a problem. We had a way to make that encumbrance exist too. 

"There are beings who live and put all their little things in place... those creatures create space, but they're not men, they're angels..." 
This isn't about beings in an idyllic peace but aware beings. They know space is everything that extends from the surface of the ground and goes up to the walls of our skin. Not angels because of the wings, yet they are so because taking care of the rest beyond themselves. Because they take care of space.

"Then it's necessary to change the world and that humans become angels. If it's possible..." Maybe I'm just remembering a weird dream. But now I understand, I dreamed of The City, which is this immense and continuous body of ours. 

"Is it possible? Yes, it's possible."

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